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Meet with in a sentence

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Sentence count:187+3Posted:2016-07-18Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: meet up withconflict withmeetwithwithoutdo withgo withwithin
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91. Does Apocalypse Now, set in Vietnam and directed by Francis Ford Coppola, meet with your approval?
92. From January 6 to 9, he will be in Germany to have talks with Chancellor, meet with President, Vice Chancellor and Foreign Minister and attend dinner with Chinese and German business representatives.
93. Piemonte travels to Asia up to four times a year to meet with companies looking to recruit for their Asian operations.
94. US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is due to meet with her British and Germen counterparts today.
95. Her cry for help meet with no, some , little , etc response.
96. Established in 1189, it claims the title of the oldest pub in England and was a stopover point for forces on their way to meet with Richard the Lionheart.
97. The national weather service said, cotton plant Center-Lubbock Texas next week will meet with a hot and sunny weather.
98. Parader and police produce conflict, 147 people meet with sequestered, a police officer gets hurt.
99. Gretchen and Agent Self meet with Vikan to sell Scylla.
100. He went to Accra, the capital, to meet with bankers and businesspeople.
101. He said she will also meet with leaders of Kenyan civil society to see what ideas they may have for defusing one of the worst crises since Kenya's independence in 1963.
102. We can meet with the Eagle Nebula or M16 in the constellation Serpens is a window in the middle of the starry night.
103. Michael goes to the warehouse to meet with Stanton and Senator Dallow.
104. "Would you mind telling me, " I asked her, "if you ever meet with the character commonly denominated as "A Man About Town" during your daily wanderings?
105. You can mesmerize anyone you meet with your cultured attitude and outlook.
106. Also it can be matched with all kinds of gas chromatography instruments in home and abroad, and meet with a favorable reception in this industry.
107. The waterproof construction technology of composite type tunnel anchorage is introduced and can meet with the requirement proved by practice.
108. The designee supervisor may choose to meet with the employee prior to rendering a final decision.
109. Aides to a radical Shiite Muslim cleric meet with a key Sunni group in Iraq to ease sectarian tensions amid a spree of violence that's killed hundreds.
110. President Bush will be in a retreat on Chesapeake Bay today to meet with GOP lawmakers.
111. The wild beasts of the desert shall also meet with the wild beasts of the island, and the satyr shall cry to his fellow; the screech owl also shall rest there(sentence dictionary), and find for herself a place of rest.
112. Lefty said he had to go meet with the candy man.
113. The invitation to speak to the Knesset and meet with the prime minister was the culmination of two decades of my involvement with the case.
114. Well, tomorrow I'm flying to Beijing in the afternoon to meet with some prospective customers.
115. Concerned about the long-term consequences of her injuries, last fall Jyoti's parents took her to a local hospital to meet with an orthopedist visiting from London, Dr.
116. A : I would like to meet with you to discuss some discrepancies on our payroll account.
117. His first act as president was to dispatch Wu Poh-hsiung, chairman of the Nationalist Party, to meet with the Chinese Communist Party chairman, Hu Jintao.
118. Meet with friends, Luankan quackish to attend the dinner to meet the stomach.
119. The method could meet with the demand of cyromazine residue analysis in broiler's tissues.
120. Maybe you will seldom meet with this " jerry-build" case in clinical routine.
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